
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Kaedyn is my mini-me........ I mean, let's face it, the kid looks just like me.  ::: Looks around cautiously :::  He acts just like me too .... shhhhhhhhhhhh .....  but one thing I really HOPED he wouldn't be like me with was allergies.  I'm allergic to EVERYTHING ....... and I'm not even kidding when I say that.  Molds ... yep! Pollen, you betcha! Animals, of course!  Soaps & stuff... of course!!  Medicines ... sure, there are a few.  Foods ... name a fruit, I'm probably allergic to it.  I thought it was fruits AND veggies, but it's mostly just fruits.  What aren't I allergic to? 

Well, Kaedyn has been having small hives here and there through the summer, benedryl has become a nightly staple between his itching (oddly it seems to help when he's really itchy with his eczema) ... and his hives.   I thought the hives were just an environmental thing... but last night, he was COVERED in LARGE hives and small ones.  They were all over his back, his butt, his legs, his arms... I don't know when he got them but boy did he get them!!

Here are some pictures I took before Dennis took him into urgent care to document the case so we can get him some allergy testing.  There are 4 pictures, the lighter ones are the normal ones, and then the identical ones below them are with contrast to make the hives pop out a little better........

This scares me.  I have sooooooo many allergies, it's hard to know what he's allergic to.  Especially since he didn't eat anything out of the ordinary yesterday that I know of - other then candy corn, but he had some of that last year.  Dennis has anaphylaxis when it comes to lobster and other shell fish, to the point where he needs an epi pen.

Then I gave him the prednisone and benadryl this morning, and gave him a bowl of cereal ... next thing I know, he's throwing up.  Then he didn't eat anymore.  So I really think maybe his throat was affected too. 

I called to try to talk to the Doc this morning.  Sadly she didn't have anything available today, so I am talking to the DR tomorrow morning, first thing, and I'm going to get him in for allergy testing ASAP ...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Noah Gets His Hearing Aid

We went to Seattle because it was time to get Noah's hearing aid...   Here he is getting his hearing aid programed ...
 One of the things he got, Audo the Otter has two hearing aids...
 Noah getting his hearing aid programed ...
 Audo's foot, his box he carries around for his hearing aid and a book he got...
 Bag of goodies...
 Noah and his hearing aid
 "Hearing Aid Care Kit - Ages 5 to 10"
 Little better picture of his hearing aid on ...
 Holding Max ...
 He did really well that day.  He was so excited to get it.  I thought transitioning to it would be a breeze!  We went through the training on how to take care of it, how to clean it, how to change the battery and how to turn it on and off, how to adjust the volume and how to put it in.  We got out to the van, thought he'd just take in all the new sounds - hearing in stereo ... but he took it off with in 5 minutes.  It was to much for his audio sensory issues...

Over the next few days, he was only able to wear it for short periods of time... but by the end of the week he wore it all day - YAY!