How'd you like it if you were the baby and found out that you wouldn't be for long!?!? LOL... They will be 16 months apart... we are currently wondering if it may be twins due to my high hCG numbers... we'll see... I mean they aren't SUPER high but they are definitely higher then what Nathan's were.
We are excited, due Sept. 20 - but due to repeat c-sections they probably won't let me go past 36 1/2 weeks agian like they told me with Nathan ... in that case, it'll be the end of August.
I am scared to death right now though.... not in certain ways, but I've had 13 miscarriages over 12 years... I will not be able to breath until the baby is born, however the weight of worry on me will ease through the time... seeing the heartbeat on ultrasound... getting into the 2nd trimester when miscarriage factors drop dramatically... starting to feel the baby move and kick, daily reminders that everything is okay... getting past the amino ... getting past 24 weeks when the baby is considered viable for birth... and finally - the birth of the baby when I can finally breath and have all that weight lifted off me.... in which case, all new worries start .. but good ones :)
I am - at this point - just hoping for a nice healthy fat baby.... that I can put pink on, but even if it is another blue baby, I'll still be happy :)
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