
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nathan got a Package!!

Nathan got his box today from Auntie Jenna!!  He opened it up.... 

Video of him opening his package....

His lap pad ...
 Playing with what Auntie Jenna calls "Fuggly the Dino" lolol...
 We were saying the letters on his Lap Pad

Having some Play Time...

He just LOVES the stuff!!  And he's VERY picky about what he sleeps with, what is around him or on him at night, especially on him....  if I cover him up with another blanket other then his beloved Banks... then he will 75% of the time, wake up with in 5 minutes and scream or throw it off....  tonight, I put the "snake" by his head, and he had the dino, and I put the lap pad on top of him over his blanket....  didn't... hear...a ... peep... from him!! 

3 hours later, he was still laying there............


  1. It is AMAZING how much Nathan looks like my older son William when he was little! It was suspected that William had Russell-Silver Syndrome, and seeing these pictures, I can see why for the first time! William also was diagnosed with Aspergers, and had hypospadias. Now, at 16, he is 5'10" (obviously they were wrong about the Russell-Silver!), no longer tests as being on the autistic spectrum at all, and the hypospadias is just a memory. But seeing the pictures of Nathan made me miss my little guy being so little and cute!


Thank you for caring enough to leave a little love behind!