
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nathan's Cleft Palate Surgery (Part 2)

 The doctor came out and talked to us after the surgery was done. He looked tired ...   he said things went well ... that Nate's mouth was small and it was a little difficult to fiddle around... but they got the cleft fixed.  They managed to get the tubes in, easy peasey ...  I guess the right one was still hanging in there.... but the left one had fallen out....  so they replaced the right one, and put another one in the left one.  They fixed his uvula....  he said it all went very well.   There would be swelling, snoring and some issues expected.  Soft foods for 2 weeks - nothing hard.  After the two weeks, if there were no holes that developed in his mouth, then there wouldn't be any to develop.  After 4 months we should know if it "worked" to improve his speech at all and eating issues.  And in time, we'll know if he needs a second procedure to place a bump in his throat if he continues to have issues of food getting up this throat into his nose/ears ...  

We were told he'd be in recovery for 2 hours and then he'd be brought to his room but we'd have a chance to go to his room first and get settled....

So we got his room number, showed where it was .... it ended up being in the observation are where they put overflow patients ...  the room was TINY ...  we had to dance around so the nurse could get to where she needed to ....

And then - someone showed up and said "they actually want you back in recovery....." so we went back, found Nathan .... and he was NOT HAPPY .... 
 Didn't want anyone touching him.........  but he didn't wake up sick - so YAY
 Course - then he had just had it .... totally
 After we got to the room, I ran out to the van to get the rest of our stuff, brought it back to the room and then went back out to get dinner... and while I was there, I got Nathan some jello - we had discussed this with the nurse first....  there was some confusion on if he was NBO or if he could have soft foods right away.  He was DEMANDING food.... so ...... I went with it....
 He ate that whole thing of Jello - the whole thing, every speck.... 
 Then he ate 3 ... THREE .... Orange popsicles.... 
 Bird even got some popsicle action ...
 Seriously - he cares about nothing but the tablet ...
 Eventually - around 10:30 or so he finally crashed....
 there is some bruising around his nose and mouth....
 Love the night light in the room
 Yep......... snoring loud, making weird noises ....  but his stats were fine so I finally was able to go to sleep at 4am....

I did get a peak into his mouth .... and that's all I needed.   His mouth was definitely swollen and there was a lot of blood in the back of his throat ....  so yeah....  poor kid


  1. prayers for a speedy and smooth recovery

  2. Poor guy. My son had caps put on 10 teeth a few years back and he woke up crying like crazy. It was hard. :(


Thank you for caring enough to leave a little love behind!