
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September Surgery - Tonsillectomy & Ear Tubes (again) ... Day 2

I didn't sleep well .......  to the point where I was up at sunrise.......

This is what Nathan's left ear looked like.  This is the one they had to anchor in place with cartilage ...

He was ABSOLUTELY miserable this morning.

He completely missed out on breakfast, and slept until almost noon!

And of course the only thing he wants to do is be on the tablet.   You can see a bit of blood on his pillow from his ear bleeding last night.

He got a gift from Grandma Phyllis ....

An Elmo (Giggling) Ball...   we threw it around a bit - he'd throw it at us, we'd throw it back...

To hear Elmo in action...... check out this video!

Nathan definitely started to perk up by 2pm ...   He has a chocolate pudding face and a banana phone!

I made him get up and walk some (notice the gift shop slippers!  Cuz I forgot all slippers, shoes and even SOCKS at home) ...

We went to hang out in the playroom a bit ... which we didn't even discover was THERE until the day we LEFT after his cleft palate surgery.   He didn't feel like going when he got his surgery in August (ya know, catheter and all that he didn't want to move) ... so we made sure to check it out finally - with him - instead of just going down to get stuff for him to play with.

This is the play area .......
 The first picture you see is the room you walk into - the room is L shaped ...  the cupboards there have a bunch of craft stuff - they hold "classes" or designated craft times twice a day in there.  There are some things that you can take back to the room but a couple of the cupboards are in room use only type stuff.   The second pic is me standing at the back of the other half of the room looking towards the area of the first picture, you can see the lady in the blue shirt and the kid in the red shirt in both pictures.  There is a dad there playing pool.  What you can't see is to my right of the second picture are tons of shelves with movies and music and books...  and behind me is a "Teen Room" for the older kids with game systems and stuff.   Then the other four photos are parts of the outside play area.  They have a basketball court and supply balls and trikes and bikes, and scooters.

By the doors to go outside there is this really sweet fountain ....  (you can see the balls in the background)

There is even a resident cat, and I forget his name but there is a sign on the door.  I thought I took a picture of it but I guess I didn't...

Back to Nathan......... He had this face a lot....

He wasn't sure what to do .. but then he found the U shaped one and it was a chair!  LOL....  After awhile we asked him if he wanted to go see what was outside.....

He had fun ......

He had to stop for gas.....

BIG Chess ...... we didn't play, we pretended ....

But then things started to take a turn, and he got tired and crabby - so we took a walk with him to get our dinner and then back to his room...

He wasn't doing so well.  He wasn't drinking and he was having a hard time eating ...  things were catching up with him.  And when asked, he said he didn't want to go home :(

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Thank you for caring enough to leave a little love behind!