We ended up stopping Nathan's feed early morning. He had been complaining of a belly ache since we did our nightly med routine and got him hooked up. 4:15 am ish he started throwing up. Gave him some anti nausea meds, some cough meds (he was coughing a lot too) and after taking his temp, some Tylenol. Now he has some sprite and hoping his fever and vomiting will just stay away
Took until about 6am fo him to fall asleep so I went back to sleep too. We both woke up around 9:30/9:45 ... checked his temp..... which was low grade at the time.
I made a call into his Pediatrician and I told them what was going on, high temp ... vomiting, cough... etc. When they FINALLY called back, apparently the message that came down from the doctor was one of ... "It's probably a virus, clear fluids for 8 hours, after that bland foods, etc and so on... "
Dr thinks he caught some virus (rolling eyes - although I hope that's all it is)... so he wants him on clear liquids for 8 hours, bland foods for 8 etc... and if he's still symptomatic in 48 hours.... Dad and I agree if he's still running this high fever in the AM we're taking him into the ER. Our son Noah almost died in 2007 the week Nathan was born because of being on antibiotics and getting C-Diff and it kept getting blown off as a virus. So I'm having major flash backs of that. Just isn't sitting well with me even though I'm praying it's just a virus. He's comfortable right now, he's chatty and he isn't in any immediate danger - so I'm okay with waiting. I can't get his fever any lower than low grade right now. But I'm watching it and all that. Just need to keep my anxiety and fear at bay.
So that's what we were doing. We were piggy backing Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I would check his temperatures periodically. He had on cold compresses, was right infront of a fan, and in the only A/C room in our place.
Around noon we changed his pad and did his antibiotics. This is what his pad looked like....
But his Staph is definitely healing....
So I checked his temp around 1pm under his arm....
So I figure ... it's not coming down all the way pigging backing ... but it's not going up either........
Two hours later, at 3:30 .... I picked up the thermometer to check his temp and something told me to ask him if I could take it orally, so I did ... and this is what it read. The first time, and then two minutes later...
Needless to say, I was freaking out when I saw the 106. Daddy was on his way home from work, so I started getting everything ready. I have him his dose of tylenol that he was due for, and he immediately threw it up. As soon as he got in the parking lot we were leaving for the hospital .
He dropped us off at the door and I went in and went up to the registration desk, and the lady looks up at me and says "do you want to be seen?" No I want to just stand here and stare at you. 'He is running a temp of 106 and vomiting," I told her. She looks at me and says .... "One-zero-zero-point-six?" I said "No! 106.2!" She didn't believe me.
They did a temp under the arm and it wasn't high at all. So they did it rectal and it was a confirmed 106 temp. And his pulse was high ... his stats weren't that great.... but once the temp was confirmed, he was stripped down to his diaper and they came in and threw an ice pack on his chest
We got taken back to a room, nothing on him, ice pack, cold wash cloth ......
Took Nathan's temp orally (normally he doesn't let me) and that's what we got...106.2. So into the ER we went immediately. Doc came in and said xray, blood work, broad spectrum antibiotics, iv fluids..... Being admitted overnight (at least)
Doctor had come in and said all the stuff in the Facebook status above.....
The IV was rough but it's in. Nathan, Sky (the dragon) and Liam (the dog)....
Nate's temp is down to 99.9! Yay! 4 hours after we got here. ...
Waiting to hear if we are going home tonight and going to Seattle in the morning or being admitted for observation tonight and headed for Seattle. Either way, we'll be in Seattle tomorrow.
His labs came back and there wasn't anything hugely off. His white blood cell count was up a little, liver numbers were up, a bunch of things were up, some things were low .. like his protein... But they managed to get the fever to get to go down and so he got to be covered u again. Well, suddenly I noticed his pulse go up again ... up and up and up .... so I said, "I bet he's running a fever again...." I went and hunted down the DR, because he was going to discharge us and instruct us to go to Seattle Children's the following day. So I hunted down the DR and told him his pulse was almost up to 180 again ... he said "well I will get his nurse to repeat a temp." ....
Going home tonight, reporting to Seattle Children's tomorrow.... Now when we can go, he falls asleep
Still in the ER. Haven't been discharged yet but his pulse is super high again and his temp is back up to 101.7. It's climbing back up fast. So either send us home or give him more meds.
Just as we were going to get discharged..... The temp was 105 + ... so his blanket was taken away and the ice returned, and then there was a fourth call put into Seattle Children's and word came back that we were going to be taken by ambulance to be admitted there over night for observation.
Yeah so this is happening. Just when I thought we were going home, his pulse jumped back up way high and he started throwing up again. ... Now we don't know what is going to happen but I doubt we are going home. One of those times he was throwing up the DR was in here.
Not going home after all. Being taken by ambulance to Seattle Children's. Temp back up to 105.... He is back to being pretty much neked and surrounded by ice. Even Sky (the dragon) has ice. I am going up there with zero money though.
It was about 1:30 AM when the orders finally got taken care of and the ambulance came to get him. His first ambulance ride, and he was awake for most of it.
We got to Seattle Childrens at about 3 AM in the morning ....... (See * Day 2 *)
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Thank you for caring enough to leave a little love behind!