
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Mystery Diagnosis * Day 6 *

6:45 AM Update ..... not much to report. No fevers last night other than the one he spiked right before bed. But none over night. He slept most of the night. They hooked his feeds up last night, started slow to make sure he would tolerate it and then bumped it up to his *normal* rate of 40. He had tolerated it great. No vomiting from eating (slowly) or his feeds, so YAY ... and he doesn't have nausea meds on board either, not since his CT scan. Lab should be making rounds soon - once they do, they'll have all their tests other than the BM (they wanted BM, Urine, Throat Culture, and a bunch of Blood Work...) so as soon as he poops (if he didn't over night and I didn't know about it) then that will be complete. Doc said some of the tests may not come back until Monday. Otherwise, just waiting on them to come round this morning. Uneventful is good though.

Breakfast - He drank about 3 oz of his 4 ounce orange juice box, and a couple bites of waffle. .

Lunch!  Lunch! He ate a chicken tender, and 1/2 a cup of cucumber, and a few strawberries. And a little bit of milk.
He ended up snacking on lunch for a couple of hours.  But the above is what he ate over that period.  He was nauseated both after breakfast and lunch, but managed to hold it down without any nausea meds.  Even though I had asked for some to make him more comfortable.

Someone is feeling better!!  (Overall feeling better)

Day 6 ... finally feeling better. He's smiling and laughing and joking around... it's awesome!

Nana and Papa stopped by.   My Mom brought me some stuff I needed from home... like Nathan's HGH ... since he's been in the hospital SO LONG ... the DRs wanted to get him back on it.  And some other stuff.  She brought me some food that I can store in the room.  

While she was here ...  she wanted to go to the gift shop and get Nathan something that would cheer him up.

Settling down for a nap? Maybe! Watching Despicable Me..... Minions! Finally something other than the Doc McStuffins dvd we have been watching non stop pretty much since Tuesday!

Watching Despicable Me ...  for the first time.  He's not one who likes movies with suspense, it scares him.  But he watched it ..... and watched Despicable Me 2!

Changed Nathan's diaper, and he wanted to pee in the urinal... so I went and got it and helped him up to a standing position and he had to lean heavily against me for support.   So I got him up and had him walk around - he was very unsteady, and cross stepping trying to keep his balance.

But we got him out of the bed for awhile...

Going for a Ride .... on his IV Pole....  

Dinnertime!  He didn't like the pizza at all .... so we ordered him a grilled cheese and so he ate that...  So over all, he had a couple sips of chocolate milk, a couple sips of Sprite ... a handful of fruit .... (his hand, not mine) .... and almost a half a grilled cheese sandwich.  There was a corner left of it....

Thought I would show our room a little bit.  We're in a private room because we're in isolation.

The main part of the room....

The sink/counter area and door....

This is the closet and bathroom

And our view of scaffolding...

Something is making an evil return!!   Looks like Nathan's Staph is coming back :(

Doctors came in and all agreed that's what it looks like, so they made a fun picture on his belly .... ordered a new (different) antibiotic for him.

We'll see what the night holds and what the DRs say tomorrow.

Night 2 with the major Night Sweats..... this should be clue one he's better right here because he wasn't even doing this with his 106 temp!

Funny thing that happened today .....   one of the fellow RSS Mom's noticed this on the Wikipedia page for Russell Silver Syndrome...

Fits so many of the kids.  LOL.....  it's true, should be a sign/symptom of RSS ... LOL...

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