Noah hasn't had a lot of things going on recently. He's had a few follow up's with specialists... and various other things. If you don't read my other blog, Noah had a shooting at his school recently and it has really made us re-evaluate public school vs. homeschooling. On one hand - I like the break him going to school gives me .... however, he's at a 1st to 2nd grade level overall. He has dyslexia and who knows what other learning disabilities. He'll be going into 5th grade this fall and even though I have asked the schools to hold him back - because he has expressed he doesn't like being pulled out of class - and especially when he's sitting in class and doesn't understand what is going on - now, he has a folder of worksheets he can do when he feels like this.... and he pulls it out on his own to work when he feels like that ... which is great - but he has told me this all makes him feel stupid. Noah isn't stupid. It makes me sad. So the schools unwillingness to hold him back and pushing him through with his peers is - in my opinion - not doing him any good.
He is Mr. Popular... all the kids love him. He says all the time he has no friends. But I've seen him in action. He doesn't care about it all - and maybe that's why everyone likes him - because he just doesn't care. But everyone flocks to him. He will strike up a conversation with anyone around - no matter the age... he just loves to talk and tell you all about the stuff he thinks is super cool.
So I'm torn.... I love that he gets all the social stuff at school but is it worth it in the long run? Social is easy though - there are homeschool groups and other stuff....
But first we are doing a trial this summer to see how things go - if Noah listens to me (he didn't last time we homeschooled) .... then we'll continue. Otherwise - back in school he'll go.
So - Noah has also been complaining a lot about stomach aches. Some mornings I think it might just be an excuse, others I believe him .... so it's hard. Took him in - can't find any big reason for them. ::Shrugs ::
He lost his ear piece for his hearing aid. Silly boy .... after a few days I called his Audiologist - told her - and scheduled to go in .... so we had to go to Seattle to get a new cast of his ear so they could make a new mold to make a new ear piece ...
Here she was putting in the sponge in his canal so the goop wouldn't go down too far ...
He picked out RED ... DARK BLUE ... and CLEAR with LIGHT BLUE GLITTER this time
Putting the goop in his ear ....
putting some on his hand so he knows when he hardens
playing with the goop
Goop in the ear
Is it hard yet?
the look of boredom ... ha ha ha
Taking the mold out
Touching it....
So it takes a couple weeks for the new mold to come in .... and so we picked it up yesterday (April 18) ...
Colors up close....
Pretty cool huh!?!
We think so!!
In other news - he got another hearing test ..... and his hearing is stable.... there aren't really any changes, and she did a test with his hearing aid in too... His right ear is still normal and his left he has significant hearing loss in both the ear and the bone...
His numbers ... even with his hearing aid in he doesn't hear perfect, but it's better...
So his hearing is completely stable - which is a good thing :)
He also had an appointment with his kidney doctor.... there is still blood in his urine (of course) and a trace of protein. He says everything looks good for now, but if he should ever have more than a trace of protein in his urine he's going to want to do a biopsy ... so ... for now, it's wait a year and see how he's doing then, unless he gets sick.
And that's pretty much all there is for Noah right now :) Oh .... right....
Noah is 56 lbs and 14oz ... and 4 ft 3 inches... he's at the 4th percentile for height and the 6th for weight...
Oh and Noah's recent dentist appointment - NO CAVITIES!!! He's got some major shark teeth going on - his baby teeth just aren't falling out and the adult teeth are coming in....
He's a peanut too! Glad his hearing is stable for now. Hope the kidney stuff stays stable enough too.