
Friday, April 20, 2012

UPDATES *Kaedyn*

We're going to skip over Nathan's update .... for a moment....  because his will be the longest .... by far. 

So we're going to go with Kaedyn....
Kaedyn - as you know if you know us or have been keeping tabs for awhile - doesn't have a lot going on.  HOWEVER he got some pretty impressive HIVES (linked back to the blog) back in October which causes A LOT of concern for me.  Because I'm allergic to a lot of things - we joke and say I'm allergic to "everything" because really - it's pretty close.   Soy, fruits, pollens, grass, animals, personal & cleaning products, medications....  oh and there's more I'm sure, but this isn't about me.  Daddy is also allergic to shellfish.  He has anaphylaxis to Lobster ... he can't even be in the same room.

The day that Kaedyn got the hives, and here is a picture incase you don't want to look at the blog from last October....
(there are a lot of pictures on the other blog)

The only thing I can pin-point that he ate that was different was candy corn.  And he had some of that the year before....

So we finally got him into the allergist ... and he went through the lovely allergy testing.  If you have never been through allergy testing - you should do it - it's good fun!!

What they do is put a "grid" on your back so they know what "oil" is where.  Once they have a grid in place they take these things that have "oils" in them with the pollen, dander, whatever ... to test what you are allergic to - and after these drops are on your back, they take a little needle and scrap or poke or scratch (however you want to put it) the skin under the droplet ...  then you sit there for awhile, and if a hive develops and the skin is red then you are allergic, and depending on the size of the hive... is how badly you are allergic.

Kaedyn - suggesting we leave ......... NOW ........
 This is about the time that he freaked OUT .... poor kid
 The visible hive in the middle-ish of his back is a "control" one ... I don't know what they have in it to make it a control one (what is everyone allergic to?) ....  
 They had put on Blues Clues for them to watch
 You can see several red welty areas now....
 His biggest allergies were grass, dogs, & cats ...... poor kid is screwed!

Because of this chronic croup when he's sick and his allergies and asthma - they want him on a inhaler every day ...  he gave me some advice on the eczema ... and various other stuff.  Benedryl every night before bed to keep his allergies at bay ... more if he gets bad ... etc and so on :/ 

That still doesn't explain his hives that night in October- unless he was exposed to something at school ....

Other than that ....  he's been pretty healthy and a huge handful.  His speech has gotten SO MUCH BETTER this past year.  We can now - at least are starting to - understand him.   YAY!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Kaedyn for not having much going on! (that's a great thing!) What kind of advice did they give you on eczema? Just curious as Jake has it too and I'm always open to hearing other ideas on it. Hope he continues to not have much going on!


Thank you for caring enough to leave a little love behind!