
Monday, March 24, 2014

Kaedyn's Eye Appointment ....

Kaedyn had an eye appointment today ....  The DR is really stressing the using of the eye patch.  Kaedyn cries every time and it breaks my heart.  He ends up (9 times out of 10) crying himself to sleep because he just can't see.  His prescription changed some.

This first one is the prescription his glasses are set at, and the lower one is what he was "today" ... which can change.  

I found a site HERE ... which helps explain what prescriptions mean.   This is what Kaedyn's (current - today's) mean ...  

RIGHT EYE - "Compound myopic astigmatism"

There is low myopia(shortsightedness) combined with low astigmatism . 
Myopia means that the near vision is better than the far vision, which is blurred. Most myopia is due to the eye being longer. Sometimes it is due to the cornea being more curved and sometimes it is due to both. 
Astigmatism means that images from distant objects, entering the eye, are not focused at the same focal point. The astigmatism is at an axis of 103 degrees. In your prescription, the focal points are both in front of the retina, instead of on the retina (where a normal image would be destined to focus). Most commonly, this is because the cornea is more curved in one direction similar to the curvature of a football or a teaspoon. Sometimes astigmatism is due to the crystalline lens inside of the eye being irregularly shaped. 

LEFT EYE - "Mixed astigmatism"
You have a mixture of farsighted astigmatism and nearsighted astigmatism. 
Astigmatism means that images from distant objects, entering the eye, are not focused at the same focal point. One focus is in front of the retina and the other is destined to be behind the retina. Most commonly this is because the cornea is more curved in one direction similar to the curve of a football or teaspoon. This means that the focus is farsighted in one axis and nearsighted in the other. The astigmatism is at an axis of 92 degrees. 

Farsighted means that the far vision is better than the near vision. 
Nearsighted means that the near vision is better than the far vision. 

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Thank you for caring enough to leave a little love behind!