
Friday, March 14, 2014

March 14 ~ Hospitalization Day: 3

Nathan went in for his FOURTH hypospadious surgery.  He was peeing out of three holes this time, and they had to go in and close off the two that opened up - that weren't supposed to.  The parts in quotations, they are my facebook status messages.....

"So....... he hasn't peed all night (he's been hooked up to the IV all night) .... and he still hasn't pooped and it's been well over 12 hours since the suppository  He is still complaining about a belly ache too... (which pretty much told me he didn't poop, but I wanted to get it confirmed and she said he hadn't, nor had he had a wet diaper.) ... so they came in with a portable ultrasound machine and said his bladder was pretty full (at least a cup of urine in it) ... but didn't like to be any blockages. This kid.... :: Sigh ::"

"So update on Nathan this morning. As of 8:30 this morning he has not peed ALL NIGHT LONG ....... he's just refusing all around, he actually just stood up to try to pee in a urinal (because I bribed him) and couldn't do it at all. They are talking about doing a catheter.... boo. He had a stool softer suppository yesterday (I thought it was a explosion suppository) .... we'll get the exploding one today. And his pain level is been around a 6 ... he is still complaining about his belly hurting a lot ... So, we're going to get up and moving a bit this morning to see if we can get anything going before having to go to extremes...."

We decided to get out of the hospital room for awhile.  Got him all unhooked from everything again, and away we went.  First stop, cafeteria for breakfast for me and the Daddy....

Nathan had some chocolate milk....

Then we stopped in the gift shop again for more bribery ....  we tried on some Mickey Mouse ears ...  probably closest to Disney we'll ever get (boo!)

The puppy in his hands is what he decided on.  His encouragement to poop and pee!

I love this owl thing.  They have another one with cats...

"Conversation that just happened. ... taking a picture of my hot chocolate. ...I say. ..."getting proof that they don't know how to spell Dennis" we are use to my name getting misspelled but how can you screw up Dennis? DB says "did they really?" Me. .."Yep only one N" .....DB... "I should have just said DB, kinda hard to screw up DB" Me...."well they could spell it out. ....." and together we said "d-e-e-b-e-e" and laughed. ....."

And then he put it behind my laptop (or maybe I did) and I went to move it to do something, and all over the floor it went!  Smelled like Chi-tea or awhile...  

Hot pack the nurse brought in to try to help him get things moving....

Such a hobbit, second breakfast .... he mostly stuck to the fruit again ....

Nathan and Liam .... that's what he named him.  

The doctors have been in and out, a lot of them... talking of all the things that can be done... all the way to doing a cath ... don't want no catheter .... see... revolting ...

Liam is cheering Nathan on along with the rest of his fan club.   Seriously - we're losing so much hope at this point of even GOING home ... usually we go home on day three but he's hurting and nothing is coming out.  Ugh ugh ... I'm surprised he's doing any intake ...

I went down to get his prescriptions so we had them when we went home. I stopped in the gift shop just to delay my going back to the room for a bit....   I love these tiny glass animals.... the two doves, reminds me of my Grandma ...  Blue Birds of Love is what she called them.  

This is AWESOME ....

I got back to the room and I was thinking, I should take him in the bathroom and have him try to go in there.  Just about at that point in time, Dennis said it.  So I did.......

"Woohooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooo!! Nathan finally peed after 12 hours of NOT PEEING ........."

Shortly after he peed, he screamed "I HAVE TO POOP!"

"The missile has acquired it'd target and we had our explosion!!! Not only did he pee, but he pooped too - yay!!!!!!!! And he was definitely backed up. Also - HE ASKED TO USE THE POTTY TO POOP!!! This is HUGE! This is the first time this has happened!! HUGE YAY!!! We had a discussion after - asked him if he wanted to continue to poop in the potty and wear underwear, he said yes.... we shall see ::: crossing fingers for that and going home today :::"

WE ARE GOING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Who needs to see out the back window?"

"Goodbye Seattle. ....."

We stopped to get something to eat around dinner time.  He was so excited NOT to be in the hospital...

"Just wanted to let everyone know we made it home safe. That's all I have to say tonight."

Nope, I don't look tired...

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