Showing posts with label Failure to Thrive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Failure to Thrive. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First Half of April's Feed Bag Art.

So April so far has been a slow feed month.  Nathan has been sick and was throwing up several nights.  We ended up stopping his feed for about a week.  We ended up getting it going again around Easter, but I started doing smaller feeds.  Instead of 3 boxes, I went back to doing two boxes.

So let me ask, does anyone else have issues with their kids getting nauseated EVERY SINGLE night, and/or vomiting from the feed?

So this is April 1 to April 15

Sunday, February 22, 2015

3rd Week in February of Feed Bag Art

The first two are definitely my favorite from the week.  I didn't like the way a couple turned out so I didn't take pictures.