Showing posts with label Feeding Tube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feeding Tube. Show all posts

Monday, December 18, 2017

December 2017 Update...

I know the blog is LONG overdue for a decent update.

This update will not be the full update that is needed though.  I haven't written up a GOOD update in almost two years now I think.

It's been a rough year.  Well, year and a half.   About 18 months ago we learned that our landlord at the house would not be renewing our lease.  She claimed that she needed the house to live in, but she rented it out again.  It was what it was though.

We couldn't find a place to take all 9 of us (at the time.)  We looked at several places we could have made work for all of us, but as soon as anyone found out how many of us there was, it was no...   We have been on a VA Housing list for awhile.  So we ended up moving from the house to camping out at  my Mom's.  Wasn't the best, but we made it work.

We came up on the housing list and managed to get a place, moved in on September 8th, the day before Bubba turned the big 9.  (He turned 9 on 9-9) ... LOL ...

I love this place.  LOVE IT.  It would be better if it had a bigger dining room and kitchen.  But I absolutely love it.  We all love it.  It's perfect for the six of us.

Cal is talking about moving out and moving in with his fiancee ...   she's back and forth here, which we don't mind.  Love seeing our granddaughters.  And our daughter in law.

Anyway .....

Mini Updates.. 

We'll start with Noah.

Noah is almost 16 years old.  I'm not sure what all I have mentioned lately.  He was diagnosed with Glaucoma now, and Aspergers, ADD & severe Anxiety ...  his kidneys are also getting worse.  I think they are relatively stable, but he's starting to spill more and more protein in his urine. He still spills a lot of blood when he is sick, too.  We keep a pretty good eye on it.

Also, he has pretty much stopped growing.  He's 5 foot even, and I'm happy he even hit that.   For a kid who wasn't supposed to live at ALL...

Big changes this year, he's been homeschooling for awhile ... like, since 4th grade, and he decided this year that he wanted to go the highschool and see what they had to offer.  So we did the next school day ...He's been attending since the day before Halloween and loving it. He's mostly in the Life Skills room when he is learning skills to be independent....

He went from being so tiny and not supposed to live to almost 16 years old!

Now a smallish update on Nathan. 

He is such a silly guy and soooooooooooo smart.  He might be non-verbal (or non-understandable 90% of the time) but he tries REALLY hard.  

He doesn't have any big new diagnoses but his hearing has gotten worse, he still refuses the hearing aids because they are "too loud" ...  he also went through the VPI clinic and his VPI isn't as bad as was thought, but it's definitely there.   He has to get another sleep study done and then we'll revisit if he should do surgery.  He also needs to get into a speech therapy consistently (He gets ST at school but the ST he was in outside of school was 6 weeks of therapy and then it was someone else's turn and you got put on the bottom of the waiting list again....)

Of course both he and Noah have significant muscle issues.  Neither of them can walk very long without getting really tired.  Noah will push through it, but Nathan gets so tired out so quickly it's hard.  And he still isn't really gaining weight... 

I am worried about him getting put on continuous feeds.  But if that's what's needed, that's what we'll do.  He is still just getting feeds in his g-tube at night.  

He also gets sick and loses weight quickly. He got taken off his HGH because they removed the diagnosis of Russell Silver Syndrome, they don't think he has that anymore.  They are absolutely certain that he has some sort of genetic issue, but they just haven't found it yet.  

He's doing really good in school .. this year is remarkably different and I think it's because his best friend Rylee is in his class helping him out again.  He adores her.  He's also on anxiety meds and he's not freaking out in the morning anymore, which is AMAZING. 

The most important thing is that he has been hospital stay free for TWO AND A HALF YEARS!!!  That's unheard of with him!  It's AMAZING!!!!!!! 

From 3lbs 4oz at birth to 10 and a half years old! 

That's about it for now until I can really sit down and write up the notes from their doctor appointments... 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First Half of April's Feed Bag Art.

So April so far has been a slow feed month.  Nathan has been sick and was throwing up several nights.  We ended up stopping his feed for about a week.  We ended up getting it going again around Easter, but I started doing smaller feeds.  Instead of 3 boxes, I went back to doing two boxes.

So let me ask, does anyone else have issues with their kids getting nauseated EVERY SINGLE night, and/or vomiting from the feed?

So this is April 1 to April 15