Showing posts with label Potty Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Potty Training. Show all posts

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Oye the Hyposadious Crazies Continue ...

.My mother is a genius. Now I know where I get it from, but I didn't think of this. So Nathan has had (so far) 4 surgeries on his boy bits. His urethra was on the under side of his penis and not the tip. It took 3 surgeries to get it to the tip. (Noah had this also but only needed one surgery) ..... We thought we were done then. Then he needed a 4th surgery because he had 3 holes he was peeing from. We thought we were done.

Finally we get him completely potty trained and his underwear is constantly wet. Not because he is peeing/having accidents. He is leaking.

So he is going through a lot of underwear a day because they get wet.

I hate to put him back in diapers or pull ups because it feels like a step back and I am afraid he will get lazy with it.

So that whole story was to say my mom thought about putting pantry liners in his underwear to catch the wet but save the underwear. Yay!! And I was worried about him being okay with it but we sat and explained it, and he was okay with it!! Yay!! He gets really upset when he gets wet. So genius idea!

So I put a panty liner in his underwear early this afternoon.  And it came out all scrunched up.  So I taped down each end of the panty liner with soft medical tape to see if that would help it stay in place.  Guess we'll see tomorrow.   This was getting his night time undies ready, and that is taped on with clear medical tape ....

He ended up still wetting his pants with ^^^^ that one .....

Thursday, May 1, 2014

**BIG NEWS** Excitement, Joy........then fell flat ....

(This morning at school)

BIG NEWS IN OUR HOUSE: Last night Nathan *accidentally* went to bed in underwear. ACCIDENTALLY.... how does a parent accidentally put their child to bed in underwear? Well, let me tell you. When Nathan gets home from school, he puts on underwear. This is his *new* ritual. Yesterday, because it was so hot here, he actually stripped down to JUST underwear. Fast forward to after dinner and meds, Nathan and Kaedyn were on my bed when I was measuring and cutting Nathan's new hearing aid ear pieces to put on his hearing aids so I didn't have to mess with them today. As I am working on them (after getting them measured) Nathan fell asleep on my bed wrapped up in my blanket. Out of sight out of mind, right? Calahan moved Nathan to his bed. This morning Nathan woke up and came in my room and .... he's just wearing underwear. I said "You didn't sleep in underwear did you?" he nods and says "Uh-huh!" ... I said "Are you wet? Did you piddle?" He says "Nooo." So he goes potty and he is STILL in underwear!!! But he says he won't go to school in underwear (smacks head)

Nathan's new ear pieces :)